Saturday, October 17, 2009

ATTENTION-Maine and Arizona Bar Exam Results are Out for July 2009

Maine came out with their bar results today. The Maine Bar Examiners have listed the successful individual applicants. The Bar Examiners have yet to list the overall pass rate.

Arizona is also out. There were 559 applicants, of whom 438 achieved passing scores. The overall pass rate was 78%.

Arizona lists, by name, the highest scorers. They are: Robert Gonzalez; Tucson, Arizona placed first; a 2009 graduate of Stanford Law School. Jennifer Whitney Greenband; Springfield, Missouri placed second; a 2009 graduate of Creighton University School of Law. Aaron Randall Harmon; Lewes, Delaware placed third; a 2009 graduate of Duke University School of Law.

Congratulations to all successful applicants.


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